
CTF: Learning Format for Cybersecurity

A Capture the Flag (CTF) contest is an event that is well known in the field of information security. Regardless of whether they are experts or newcomers, a CTF can help build information security capabilities. The competitive character makes the whole thing competitive. What is a CTF? A CTF is … continue reading

Pentest Tool #5 – Naabu

In week 5 we will introduce the Pentest Tool #5 Naabu. Naabu is a scanner like the tools we already know. We are still in the reconnaissance phase, in which we as attackers try to get to know the target system as well as possible. Using Naabu, the goal is to detect open ports on the target system with a very fast scan.

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Pentest Tool #4 – Arjun

In the fourth week of the blog series, in which we present various hacking tools, we will deal with Arjun, but we are still in the reconnaissance phase, which means that we want to get to know our target system as well as possible. Unlike the previous tools, our pentest tool #4 Arjun is not pre-installed in Kali Linux.

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Phish Scale – A new way of weighting phishing emails!

Phishing is the most common attack vector currently used by hackers. Phishing refers to the sending of e-mails that are intended to intercept sensitive information. For this purpose, these e-mails are disguised as if they come from a trusted person. Since phishing is a well-known problem, many companies train their employees with phishing campaigns. A US institute has now created a new form of evaluation, the so-called Phish Scale, which is intended to help to better understand the results of such phishing campaigns.

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Microsoft products do not comply with German data protection laws!

Microsoft products have become an integral part of most companies and schools. Due to the Corona pandemic, Microsoft teams in particular gained users in addition to the usual products, such as Microsoft Word or Microsoft Power Point. At the data protection conference, data protection activists from Germany have now announced that Microsoft products do not comply with data protection laws in Germany.

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Pentest Tools #3 – SSLScan

In the third week of the blog series, in which we present various hacker tools, we are still in the reconnaissance phase, in which the attacker collects as much information as possible about the targets. The Pentest tool #3 is SSLScan. This scanner provides quick information about which encryption methods are used on the scanned server. So it can be quickly determined whether the encrypted connection is still at the current security standard.

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