Awareness Services

The AWARE7 GmbH is at the twenty2X – Hall 8 Stand D09!

The AWARE7 GmbH is at the twenty2X – Hall 8 Stand D09!

Lectures, panel discussions and together on a stand with the Institute for Internet-Security: AWARE7 GmbH will be on site at the first Twenty2X event. New target groups, specialisation, working methods and social media strategies will shape the successor to the Cebit. More than 180 companies and 35 startups from 12 countries have registered so far. On three days of the trade fair, 200 speakers will find space on the stages of the new event. From March 17th to 19th, just like at the time-honoured Cebit, the participants will meet in Hanover.

The new digital event for medium-sized businesses ?

Entrepreneurs, users, managers and IT experts will meet in March – and the occasion is a new trade fair format. AWARE7 GmbH can be found in hall 8 at booth D09. But we will also be on site with the presentation “Digital risk management – SME’s in focus”. From 11:20 – 11:40 o’clock every visitor can listen to Matteo Große-Kampmann on the Center Stage in hall 8. The lecture is especially recommended for visitors from medium-sized companies.

Der angekündigte Vortrag zum digitalen Risikomanagement von Matteo Große-Kampmann
Der angekündigte Vortrag zum digitalen Risikomanagement von Matteo Große-Kampmann (Quelle: Screenshot)

Exploding hotel prices and special restaurant tickets will probably not be available at the start of the event. But sometimes less is more. Fewer days, fewer companies. The success of the it-sa has shown it. And perhaps it is the cornerstone for the recipe for success of a modern trade fair. The last tested format of the Cebit seems to have been largely discarded. There is nothing to be read about pop artists on various outdoor stages.

The organizers behind the Twenty2X are well known. For example, the Federal Association of IT Medium-Sized Enterprises BITMi is among them. But also the eco e.V., of which we are also a member, is part of it. The Convention Center is located at the north entrance of the exhibition halls in Hannover. In halls 7 and 8, everything will then take place during the presentation of the B2B event. As usual, we will be on site with the topic IT security. The fact that there is an increased demand in this area, especially among medium-sized companies, is confirmed by various studies. For example, eco e.V. found that every second company website has security gaps.

Newly conceived formats should provide for new, exciting flair.

IT-Battles: For a problem there is rarely only one solution!

Up to eight exhibitors present their offer for a solution. On the Center Stage the entrepreneurs have the opportunity to convince others of their solution within 5 minutes. In the morning and in the afternoon they will get together. This is how you get to know the people behind the solution. Visitors vote for the winner by live voting. The approach sounds good. We are curious to see who the audience will like.

Best Practice Session: The true view into practice

With this format, the users are on stage. The dialogue with partners is intended to show others which project has gone well and for what reasons. The whole should be presented in a practical and authentic way. Valuable insights into the user’s perspective shows other companies what needs to be considered. Here it is important to be careful that the presentation does not become too promotional. Bullshit Bingo was finally enough at the CEBIT.

Working Lunch: When added value is added to the meal!

Never eat alone – a tip given by experienced networkers At Twenty2X there will be a free lunch – in return the sponsors of the event will present their products. Participants must apply for this format. From our point of view a fair exchange – especially if not only the lunch is interesting.

Forge of ideas for platform economy – with agenda!

A four-hour workshop will be offered at the fair. Within this framework, intensive work will be done on the topic of platform economy. Exhibitors, visitors and other experts meet in a separate area to develop an idea together. An idea for an Internet-capable business model of the future. Pre-registration is also necessary here.

Speeddating – Expand your network quickly and efficiently!

A trade fair, even if only in the evening, is always a networking event. Startups and established companies meet visitors from medium-sized companies. Topic-specific dating sessions are designed to ensure that participants do not have the feeling that they are out of place. A short profile created in advance can then be exchanged on site and used for follow-ups.

New formats, participants and solutions.
The Twenty2X could become a success!

It is obvious that the new format follows in the footsteps of the former most famous IT fair in the world. It is a great legacy that the Twenty2X is taking place here. The team at AWARE7 is fundamentally open-minded about new formats. We are looking forward to the number of participants and the success of the event! Translated with (free version)

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Chris Wojzechowski

Mein Name ist Chris Wojzechowski und ich habe vor wenigen Jahren meinen Master in Internet-Sicherheit in Gelsenkirchen studiert. Ich bin geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der AWARE7 GmbH und ausgebildeter IT-Risk Manager, IT-Grundschutz Praktiker (TÜV) und besitze die Prüfverfahrenskompetenz für § 8a BSIG. Unser Brot und Buttergeschäft ist die Durchführung von Penetrationstests. Wir setzen uns darüber hinaus für ein breites Verständnis für IT-Sicherheit in Europa ein und bieten aus diesem Grund den Großteil unserer Produkte kostenfrei an.