Awareness Services

Review 2019 – over 400 Cyber Security & Live Hacking Shows!

Review 2019 – over 400 Cyber Security & Live Hacking Shows!

The 2019 review is characterized by numerous new employees, a move and above all, English and German-speaking Cyber Security & Live Hacking Shows dominated our daily business. With an unbelievable 400 presentations we broke the annual record and doubled the number compared to 2018. Numerous cooperations with and orders from large companies and corporations were carried out.

Review 2019: The first move in June – the next in January 2020!

In June 2019, the first time this happened. We left the Westfälische Hochschule, and thus also the Institute for Internet Security, and moved to Bergmannstr. 5 in Gelsenkirchen-Ückendorf. Here we were able to grow to a healthy 17 employees. However, as things are slowly getting tight, and there is a lack of seminar and meeting rooms, we were already looking for premises where we could grow and develop by the end of 2019. The 2019 review shows that there was a lack of space in one place or another.

After some visits, this decision was made in favour of the Science Park Gelsenkirchen. We remain loyal to the city and move into approx. 300 sqm in the office park, which has already been awarded for its extraordinary architecture. 10 offices, separate entrances and two, independent internet lines not only secure our business operations but will also be the new workplace for 17 employees of AWARE7 GmbH from mid-January.

Pentesting, Live Hacking & Digital Risk Management

Numerous IT security investigations, most of them in the form of a pentest, were also conducted in 2019. New scenarios for live hacking shows were developed. Seminars in Luxembourg and Switzerland were those furthest away from the company’s location. The largest presentations, in front of 600 people, were held in Germany, but in English.

Numerous formats for students and teachers we were also allowed to serve in 2019. The Slush in Helsinki, the didacta in Cologne and the it-sa in Nuremberg as well as the Digital Demo Day in Düsseldorf were dates from which we were able to record a high feedback rate. And also in 2020 we will be present and sensitize with extensive seminars and entertaining live hacking shows – but don’t let technology scare you off!

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Chris Wojzechowski

Mein Name ist Chris Wojzechowski und ich habe vor wenigen Jahren meinen Master in Internet-Sicherheit in Gelsenkirchen studiert. Ich bin geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der AWARE7 GmbH und ausgebildeter IT-Risk Manager, IT-Grundschutz Praktiker (TÜV) und besitze die Prüfverfahrenskompetenz für § 8a BSIG. Unser Brot und Buttergeschäft ist die Durchführung von Penetrationstests. Wir setzen uns darüber hinaus für ein breites Verständnis für IT-Sicherheit in Europa ein und bieten aus diesem Grund den Großteil unserer Produkte kostenfrei an.