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Live Hacking Webinar – how to achieve remot awareness!

Live Hacking Webinar – how to achieve remot awareness!

The implementation of a live hacking webinar can sensitize participants in the long term and offers high-quality cyber security infotainment.

Live hacking is primarily about demonstrating attacks on technology, infrastructure or people live, showing recommendations for action and providing protection options. That has charm in presence. But it is also possible in online form.

Cyber Security Infotainment – Expectation vs. reality!

At times when large events were not a problem, we could observe how smartphones were turned off before our demonstration. Sometimes completely, sometimes only the WLAN. Word has got around that sensitive information can be read.

Live Hacking Webinar - an alternative to the keynote
Multimedia Live Hacking demonstrated by Chris Wojzechowski

But as usual, cyber criminals are one step ahead. At least AWARE7 GmbH shows the sniffing of WLAN networks that the devices are looking for only after explicit request. The danger of suddenly exposing people is too great. There are already numerous other live hacking examples that provide for increased cyber security awareness.

The alternative would be to fall back on a prepared or exposed scenario. If participants* switch off their devices, the number of potential victims decreases rapidly. The sudden need to turn off their own devices is quickly spread throughout the audience. By the way, the probability that a smartphone will ring out of the audience and cause a disturbance decreases as well.

This example shows the effectiveness of Live Hacking demonstrations. However, the prerequisite is always that these correspond to reality and fit the risk of the target group. For example, the demonstration of cracking two-factor authentication is impressive, but only moderately helpful for companies that are just starting to change their password every 90 days.

In this case, the presentation and demonstration of classic password attacks is more appropriate, as these underline the guidelines and recommendations. Cyber attacks, methods and scams are sufficient – an on-site demonstration is possible. However, a live hacking webinar is a sensible alternative.

Live Hacking Webinar – how can this work?

Numerous events had to be cancelled or postponed quickly. We held about 30 events per month throughout Germany and beyond. With the help of webinar or conference software, it was also possible to hold talks, shows and keynotes digitally at short notice.

There are a few tips and tricks to consider, how to make the live hacking presentation successful even from a distance:

  • contact the audience

It is more difficult to interact with the audience from a distance. It is no longer necessary to look participants* in the eyes, make small talk and read their name tags in order to carry out a social engineering attack with this data.

The strength of webinars is the possibility of integration. There is often the possibility that participants can submit questions. But also the execution of short surveys can contribute to a sense of community, requires continuous attention and reflects to the speaker on what level of knowledge the audience is.

A live hacking webinar can be held by matteo grosse-kampmann.
All speakers at AWARE7 are well prepared for holding live hacking webinars.
  • display is limited to one screen

The Live Hacking speakers of AWARE7 use several media if necessary and required. Besides flipchart also hardware, a second screen, language assistants or smartphones. It is not uncommon for the keynotes to require on-site installation and dismantling time.


A remote show, on the other hand, must be prepared differently. After all, the participants* only get to see a screen. So if you plan to explain scams using internet addresses, you should prepare yourself for the possibility of an enlargement. That’s why the entire team of speakers relies on Logitech Spotlight Presenters. So it is possible to enlarge areas off- and online.

A Live Hacking Webinar is a useful addition to existing programs.
Matteo Große-Kampmann and Chris Wojzechowski at the Duet Live Hacking in Frankfurt a.M. Areas of the screen are enlarged.

During a live performance, technical problems can never be completely ruled out. Presentations in basements bring with them an increased risk of suddenly being offline. At least when working with mobile data. These few seconds to restore an Internet connection can be bridged by a professional speaker.

If the Internet connection is lost during a webinar, the speaker is no longer able to interact with the audience. With increasing time, the uncertainty of how and if it will continue increases.

This danger can be solved with the help of a double Internet connection from different Internet service providers. For this reason, AWARE7 GmbH is connected to fiber optic and coaxial cable at its Gelsenkirchen site. The dual-equipped workstations also require the separation of networks for the performance of penetration tests.

Example: The eco e.V. Live Hacking Webinar – a complete success!

On 29.04.2020 the webinar “IT security vulnerabilities from everyday life incl. live demo” organized by eco took place. Numerous participants* were able to follow the collection, sorting and exploitation of human and technical security holes live on screen for over 60 minutes. The feedback of the public event was very good. Numerous new contacts could also be made in this way.

eco webinar - aware7 gmbh
The online event was supplemented by numerous live demonstrations. Source:

You want to conduct a live hacking webinar?

With the help of AWARE7 GmbH, you can expand your webinar with exciting content from the field of cyber security in order to sensitize your participants in the long term. Benefit from exciting surveys during the live hacking. Lean back, take part and rely on our experience from more than 400 lectures per year.

Photo of author

Chris Wojzechowski

Mein Name ist Chris Wojzechowski und ich habe vor wenigen Jahren meinen Master in Internet-Sicherheit in Gelsenkirchen studiert. Ich bin geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der AWARE7 GmbH und ausgebildeter IT-Risk Manager, IT-Grundschutz Praktiker (TÜV) und besitze die Prüfverfahrenskompetenz für § 8a BSIG. Unser Brot und Buttergeschäft ist die Durchführung von Penetrationstests. Wir setzen uns darüber hinaus für ein breites Verständnis für IT-Sicherheit in Europa ein und bieten aus diesem Grund den Großteil unserer Produkte kostenfrei an.