Identify reputable sources – that’s how it works!

M.Sc. Jan Hörnemann

Identify reputable sources – that’s how it works!

Finding reputable sources that cover current topics has become very difficult. The reason for this is that there are countless sources, some of which include some that distribute false information. You should pay attention to the points presented here, so that you can identify serious sources.

Identify serious sources

The best way to identify a reputable source is to know who has collected this information and is behind the information. Serious publishers include federal ministries, but also institutes or other areas of universities are considered serious.

If you find a research result of a university on a news website, you should check whether the university in question is actually responsible for the information presented, or whether the news website simply claims that the results come from the university.

Just because an author is mentioned on another website, this person is not necessarily the author of the report. The false naming of the author is a criminal offence, but it cannot be detected immediately. Therefore it can be possible for criminals to spread false reports by using a false author.

In a previous article we have already analyzed how to recognize fake news, but also fake profiles and thus determine the seriousness behind a message or unmask a fake profile and thus come across fake news.

The ARD has already accompanied students who have received a workshop on how to better identify fake news in a report:

Do not distribute fake news

The greatest danger behind dubious sources is the spread of false news, so-called fake news. As a result, fake news gets more attention and in turn is seen by more people.

If you are not sure about a piece of information and cannot say for sure what source the original information came from, you should not spread such information further.

Another important step in analyzing a news item should be to look for similar information on other sites. Big headlines are quickly picked up by several pages. If the information is in several reputable sources, you can trust them.

Therefore, if you are not sure whether a news item is reputable, you should check 0b other reputable sites have published similar information.

There is a lot of research in the area of fake news that brings mostly the same conclusion, and that is that they are spreading a lot through the social networks. As the Süddeutsche Zeitung reports, people spread fake news especially when it could harm the “other party”.

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M.Sc. Jan Hörnemann

Hello dear reader, my name is Jan Hörnemann. I am a TeleTrust Information Security Professional (T.I.S.P.) and have been dealing with information security topics on an almost daily basis since 2016. CeHv10 was my first hands-on certification in the field. With a Master of Science degree in Internet Security, I have learned about many different aspects and try to share them in live hacking shows as well as on our blog. In addition, I am active as an information security officer and have been qualified by TÜV for this activity (ISB according to ISO 27001)