Awareness Services

AWARE7 goes to NYC – for the sustainability goals of the United Nations!

AWARE7 goes to NYC – for the sustainability goals of the United Nations!

The sustainability goals of the United Nations are discussed in New York and AWARE7 is represented. We actively participate in the achievement of these internationally proclaimed goals and briefly describe here what the sustainability goals are, how we participate and why it is so important!

The UN Sustainability Goals – Solving Problems Together!

Global challenges such as poverty, sustainable development and education for all can only be solved together. The international community has recognised this and, following on from the Millennium Development Goals, has developed the sustainability goals. In contrast to the Millennium Goals, the sustainability goals are aimed at all members of the international community, not just developing countries.

Agenda 2030, as the sustainability goals are also called, was adopted by all member states in September 2015. It is one of the milestones in the recent history of the United Nations. All goals are inextricably linked and partly interdependent.

The UN’s sustainability goals in detail

In detail, the 17 sustainability targets are defined as follows:

  • End poverty
    poverty in all forms and end everywhere
  • Securing a healthy diet
    Eliminate hunger, provide food security and better nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculturen
  • Healthy life for all
    Guarantee a healthy life for all people of all ages and promote their well-being
  • Education for all
    Inclusive, equitable and quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all
  • Gender equality
    achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls to self-determination
  • Water and sanitation for everyone
    Ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
  • Sustainable and modern energy for all
    Access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and timely energy for all secure
  • Sustainable economic growth and decent work for all
    Promote sustained, broad-based and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
  • Resistive infrastructure and sustainable industrialisation – building resilient infrastructure, promoting broad-based and sustainable industrialisation and supporting innovation
  • reduce inequality
    Reduce inequality in and between countries
  • Sustainable cities and settlements
    design cities and settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
  • Sustainable consumption and production methods
    Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
  • take immediate action to combat climate change and its impacts
  • preservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources
  • Protecting terrestrial ecosystems
    Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, manage forests sustainably, combat desertification
  • Eliminate and reverse soil degradation and end biodiversity loss
  • Peace, justice and strong institutions
    Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
  • Strengthening means of implementation and global partnership
    Strengthen means of implementation and breathe new life into the global partnership for sustainable development

Digitization is a central, comprehensive and critical point because it optimizes many processes and makes them more efficient. But there is nothing new about the fact that digitisation also entails a risk. AWARE7 is dedicated to exploring these risks, and we work on this every day. The aim of working towards sustainability goals is to leave a planet at least as intact as it is today for future generations. This can only happen through action and implementation.

The work of the UN should not bring no insights – it should make action possible!

For example, every Internet user is aware that there are risks on the Internet. It is our responsibility to act accordingly and to treat each other prudently. Digitalization allows us to send information across the globe in near real time. This creates opportunities for education, innovation and equality. Secure technology and trained users are needed to ensure that these opportunities remain sustainable. This is the only way to pass on a digital, free infrastructure to future generations.

In order to achieve this goal, we travel to New York to discuss with others and to create scope for action that will enable a sustainable, robust digital infrastructure and ultimately create sustainable jobs. And hopefully we won’t have to fly for the next conference – perhaps we can soon make our contribution from Gelsenkirchen so that we don’t saw to one sustainability goal while we build the other.

Photo of author

Jan Hörnemann

Ich bin Jan Hörnemann, TeleTrust Information Security Professional (T.I.S.P.) und seit 2016 leidenschaftlich in der Welt der Informationssicherheit unterwegs. Mein Master of Science in Internet-Sicherheit hat mir ein fundiertes Verständnis für verschiedene Aspekte dieser Branche vermittelt, das ich in meiner laufenden Promotion kontinuierlich ausbaue. In der AWARE7 bin ich Chief Operating Officer und Prokurist, gleichzeitig koordiniere ich die Abteilungen "Informationssicherheit" und "Offensive Services" und sorge dafür, dass alle Projekte reibungslos ablaufen.