Awareness Services

AWARE7 GmbH is a member of eurobits e.V.

AWARE7 GmbH is a member of eurobits e.V.

We are pleased about the successful admission to eurobits e.V. – the European competence centre for security in information technology. Since 1999 the registered association has been promoting technology transfer in the field of IT security and information security. Now with the strengthening of the know-how of the AWARE7 GmbH.

Merger secures knowledge transfer between science and economy

Especially the interdisciplinary exchange is also a decisive advantage for us. The interlocking of research and application have led us to become a member of eurobits e.V. Shortly before Christmas we received positive feedback – we are a member!

AWARE7 Member of eurobits ev
AWARE7 GmbH is a member of eurobits e.V. v.l. Chris Wojzechowski (Managing Director AWARE7 GmbH), Friederike Schneider (Managing Director eurobits), Matteo Große-Kampmann (Managing Director AWARE7 GmbH), Christine Skropke (Chairwoman of the Board eurobits e.V.), Prof. Dr. (TU NN) Norbert Pohlmann (Partner AWARE7 GmbH)

Since 2017, the “Eurobits Excellenec Award” has also been presented. The prize, which is endowed with EUR 1,000, is aimed at annual theses with high practical relevance in the field of IT security/information security.

The strong focus on IT security can already be seen in the other member companies. In addition to AWARE7 GmbH, the following companies are also members, e.g. secunet AG, VMRAY, Rohde & Schwarz and GDATA and the PHYSEC member of eurobits e.V.

eurobits e.V. receives notification of funding and is promoted!

Punctually with our membership eurobits e.V. can expand its own activities. The association receives funds from the European Fund for Regional Development – EFRE for short. IT security is one of the outstanding fields of innovation in NRW with regard to research and company expertise, the importance for the competitiveness of the economy and the protection of critical infrastructures and personal data.

But even when it comes to funding decisions, the news doesn’t stop there. Most recently, Christine Skropke from secunet AG took over the management of the association. We are looking forward to future cooperation in the association and are optimistic that we will be able to complete one or two bachelor’s and master’s theses together with one of our students.

If you want to learn more about eurobits e.V., please visit the website. There you will find activities as well as the active members. For everyone who is in the final stages of his or her studies, it is also worth taking a look at the AWARD mentioned above!

Looking for a varied job in IT security? Then it is best to take a look at our open positions!

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Jan Hörnemann

Ich bin Jan Hörnemann, TeleTrust Information Security Professional (T.I.S.P.) und seit 2016 leidenschaftlich in der Welt der Informationssicherheit unterwegs. Mein Master of Science in Internet-Sicherheit hat mir ein fundiertes Verständnis für verschiedene Aspekte dieser Branche vermittelt, das ich in meiner laufenden Promotion kontinuierlich ausbaue. In der AWARE7 bin ich Chief Operating Officer und Prokurist, gleichzeitig koordiniere ich die Abteilungen "Informationssicherheit" und "Offensive Services" und sorge dafür, dass alle Projekte reibungslos ablaufen.