Ensuring long-term success and developing the future sustainably

Numerous organizations, clubs, associations and social institutions participate in the business success of AWARE7 GmbH.

Social commitment

We shape the world we find ourselves in: "It's not your fault that the world is the way it is. It would only be your fault if she stays like this".

Environmental commitment

Sustainability, environmental protection and circular economy. We always try to do our part and want to play our role in a future proof world.

Economic commitment

In addition to innovation and research, our business activities are characterized above all by ethical and commercial business practices.

On our website, we proudly present our commitment to a sustainable and inclusive future based on the active participation of every single team member. Our aim is to create an unprejudiced working atmosphere in which all employees feel valued, respected and encouraged to contribute their ideas and perspectives. We believe that diversity and inclusion not only lead to an enriching work environment, but also foster the creativity and innovation that are critical to our business success.

Our commitment is characterized by the fact that we give all team members the opportunity to actively participate in shaping our corporate culture. Through workshops, surveys and regular meetings, we ensure that every voice is heard and that we work together to create a working environment that is free from prejudice and discrimination.

In addition, having a positive impact on our environment is a key concern for us. We take concrete measures to reduce our ecological footprint and are committed to protecting natural resources. From promoting sustainable practices in our day-to-day operations to supporting environmental projects, our aim is to make a positive contribution to tackling global environmental challenges.

We believe that our commitment to an unprejudiced working atmosphere and the protection of our environment go hand in hand. By creating a working environment that promotes diversity and inclusion, while acting responsibly towards the environment, we are committed to the well-being of our employees and the world at large. We invite our customers, partners and the public to support us on this pioneering path and to shape a better future together.

We finance a scholarship at the Ruhr University Bochum. Every year.

By providing the scholarship, we want to give talented and motivated students the opportunity to develop their full potential without having to worry about financial hurdles. This scholarship is primarily awarded to female and first-time students in the family. It is part of our ambition to support young talents who could become the innovators and leaders of tomorrow. It is important to us to contribute not only to the development of our company, but also to that of society by creating and promoting educational opportunities. Through this investment in education, we hope to leave a positive and lasting impact on the academic community in Bochum and beyond.

Company apartment-AWARE7 GmbH

We provide a company apartment for employees.

We provide a company apartment just a minute’s walk from our company headquarters. This apartment is available to employees who need temporary accommodation. Our aim with this free accommodation is to ensure that no one is deterred from taking a chance with us because of financial obligations. Whether for the start of an internship, during a project or in a transition phase – we want our team members to be able to concentrate fully on their professional development without having to worry about housing issues.


We are a partner of the Alliance for Cyber Security. An initiative of the BSI.

Our company is proud to be a partner in the Alliance for Cyber Security. Our partnership with the Alliance for Cyber Security is in line with our overarching goal of promoting a safer digital world. By providing free resources and active community participation, we are committed to strengthening the collective security posture and supporting the ongoing development of effective security strategies. We are convinced that our involvement in this partnership not only provides a direct benefit to other members of the Alliance, but also sends a clear signal to the industry that collaboration is key to combating cyber threats.

Cyber security network

We provide digital first responders in the cyber security network.

We have joined the cyber security network and offer our employees the opportunity to be trained as digital first aiders during working hours. This training, launched by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), enables them to respond quickly and competently in the event of a cyber security incident and at the same time be available as a permanent point of contact for our team. Through this initiative, we not only promote a culture of mindfulness and proactive action with regard to cyber security within our company, but also help to increase the general level of security.

AWARE7 - educates

We provide training.
In up to four professions per year.

Our commitment to training is a central element of our corporate philosophy. We firmly believe that investing in young talent is not only an investment in the future of our company, but also a commitment to society. This is why we train IT specialists, including application development and system integration, as well as office management and digitalization management specialists. These training programs not only provide a solid foundation for a successful career in the IT sector, but also promote the personal development of the trainees. We support the Erasmus+ program and enable and support a stay abroad during training.

In 2023, we set up additional training places for Ukrainian refugees and filled them on a sustainable basis. We help to break down language barriers by offering language courses for a fee. A team from several cultures and countries also facilitates interdisciplinary exchange.


We support a healthy and vegetarian diet.

In our efforts to promote the well-being and health of our employees, we attach great importance to a balanced and sustainable diet. For this reason, we actively support the choice of healthy and vegetarian food options through a subsidy in the Science Park cafeteria. By providing financial support for healthy alternatives, we want to make it easier for our employees to access healthy meals and encourage them to develop eating habits that promote their long-term well-being.

AWARE7 Fleet

Most of our fleet is electric.

At AWARE7 GmbH, we focus on sustainability and innovation, which is clearly reflected in our fleet of vehicles. With around 10 vehicles, most of which are electric or electrically assisted, we are underlining our commitment to environmentally friendly mobility and the responsible use of resources. Part of this fleet is designed as a pool vehicle to provide employees with flexible and environmentally friendly transportation options for business trips or when needed. This approach not only promotes greener, low-emission driving, but also supports our goal of reducing our company’s ecological footprint and making an active contribution to protecting our environment.

Gym access AWARE7 GmbH

Train in several gyms.
Free of charge and throughout Germany.

To promote the well-being and health of our employees, we offer them exclusive access to a large number of fitness studios. This flexibility allows each team member to exercise according to their personal needs and take advantage of the wide range of offers from the partner studios. Whether it’s an intensive workout, a relaxing time in the sauna or a refreshing swim in the pool – our employees have the freedom to customize their fitness routine. This initiative is part of our commitment to a healthy work-life balance and underlines the importance we place on the physical and mental health of our team.

Academic training-AWARE7

Pentesters can search for and report vulnerabilities during working hours

We attach great importance to promoting research activities in the field of cyber security. Our team of pentesters actively contributes to the identification of security vulnerabilities by searching for and reporting CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) during regular working hours. This practice is an integral part of our corporate culture and reflects our commitment to security in the digital space. Thanks to our ongoing commitment to research, we have already successfully acquired several important research projects. We also strongly support our employees in pursuing their academic ambitions, including doctorates, in parallel to their professional activities with us. This support underscores our commitment to contributing to both the personal development of our team members and to the overall advancement of cybersecurity.