Orientation for ethical behavior

Our Code of Conduct serves as a framework to ensure that we always comply with the law and behave with integrity, no matter where we work or what projects we are involved in.

Respectful cooperation and acting in accordance with the law

At AWARE7, we attach great importance to respectful cooperation that is characterized by mutual respect, lawful conduct and ethical integrity.

Building trust and reputation through respect

Through the respect we show our colleagues, customers and partners, we create trust, credibility, reliability and a positive reputation for our company.

Compliance with high standards of integrity

Our Code of Conduct ensures that management, executives and employees alike maintain high standards of integrity and ethical conduct within the organization.

Code of Conduct


Welcome to our Code of Conduct. This document is intended to serve as a guideline for all employees in order to reflect the ethical compass of AWARE7 GmbH. It is the guiding framework, which claims to comply with the law and the special requirements for conduct with integrity.

No matter where we work, it is always the way we work together and with each other that influences the success or failure of the company or customer projects, partnership projects and this cooperation should be characterized by mutual respect. This respect also includes the lawful and legally compliant behavior and actions of management, executives and employees, i.e. all those who make AWARE7 GmbH what it is. Through respect, we gain trust, credibility, reliability and reputation.

Scope of application

The management is committed to the values contained in the Code of Conduct and expects all employees, managers and other stakeholders to exemplify these values in their day-to-day work and to contribute to a respectful corporate culture overall. These values do not end within AWARE7 GmbH, but also extend to partners, suppliers and other parties associated with AWARE7.

Fight against corruption

Corruption harms both our company and the countries in which we work. We know and understand this connection. We do not tolerate corrupt behavior of any kind, whether active or passive. In our relationships with business partners and public officials, we do not grant or accept any benefits with the intention or appearance of influencing business decisions or gaining any other improper advantage. Compliance with applicable anti-corruption laws in all our business activities is essential, including gifts, invitations and other benefits:

Gifts, invitations and other benefits in day-to-day business are only permissible if they are within the socially accepted, customary framework. In particular, the event must not be suitable or appear to be suitable to influence current or future business decisions.

Data security

The security of data is of immense importance to AWARE7. Data security has a significant impact on the business success of AWARE7 as well as its public reputation. AWARE7 therefore protects customer, employee and partner data in particular from unauthorized access by all available, suitable and appropriate means (technical and organizational). Unauthorized or improper use and loss are also included in this protection. We do this by implementing the applicable legal framework and internal guidelines and regulations, which we have regularly audited by independent third parties.

Equality and diversity

AWARE7 GmbH offers equal opportunities for all. We rely on everyone at AWARE7 to follow through on our commitment to equal opportunities. Sometimes people can breach equal opportunities policies without realizing it – for example, if they are unconsciously biased and hire people like themselves. Therefore, we always strive to be objective and ensure that our personal feelings, biases and preferences do not influence our employment-related decisions. To publicly fulfill this requirement, we have been a signatory to the Diversity Charter since 01/2023 (link).

AWARE7 GmbH will not tolerate any harassment or victimization, regardless of its form or nature. All persons acting within and outside AWARE7 must always be treated with respect and behavior that is demeaning, degrading or hostile will not be tolerated. This applies to words and deeds. This applies in particular to feedback, criticism and challenges.

Sustainability and environmental protection

We are all responsible for our shared planet Earth. Sustainability and environmental protection are key objectives of our daily endeavors and part of our future product and service strategy. Our partners must comply with laws and international standards that have been drawn up to protect the environment. Our goal is to support the reduction of environmental pollution and to contribute to the continuous improvement of environmental protection. We support the environmentally conscious behavior of our employees.

Drug abuse

Our position on drug abuse is simple: it is incompatible with the health and safety of our employees and will not be tolerated. Smoking is prohibited in our offices and is only tolerated during lunch breaks. Illegal substances of any kind are strictly prohibited in our offices and in any context related to the company (e.g. on business trips or other external events).

Child labor

We adhere to the provisions of the United Nations on human rights, in particular the rights of children. The minimum age for entitlement to employment must not be below the age at which compulsory schooling ends and in no case below 15 years of age. In particular, we also undertake to comply with the Convention concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor (Convention 182 of the International Labor Organization). If a national regulation provides for stricter standards with regard to child labor, these must be given priority.

Human rights

We respect and support compliance with internationally recognized human rights and ensure that these generally applicable fundamental rights are observed.