IT-Security Blog

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GDPiRate attack means trouble for GDPR!

The GDPR came into effect last year in May. Since then, there have been many changes, with the most serious and obvious in daily surfing being the cookie banners that are now appearing everywhere. Another innovation is the right of access to personal data by users. Three studies now show that this attack allows attackers to steal data. GDPiRate was created by our founder Matteo Große-Kampmann.

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RFID technology – a practical companion that holds risks!

In addition to the many forms of cyber crime, one kind of data theft often goes unnoticed in public reporting and perception: RFID technology and so-called RFID skimming.

The data stored on the chip is read by attackers. For example, criminals can quickly focus on their own bank cards. Every year, around 7 million pounds are captured.

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GermanWiper Ransomware irrevocably deletes data!

All channels that have made it their business to report against new malware, scams and dangers are warning against the GermanWiper Ransomware. As is so often the case, everything starts with an application. Then the malware takes its course.

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How old is the internet? A milestone turns 50!

What do Woodstock, the first online message and the moon landing have in common? It all happened in 1969. Half a century later, these events are still firmly anchored in our memories. At AWARE7 the technical revolution through the internet was our  main focus.

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Face-App – What is the balance between fun and risk?

The entire social media portals were full of pictures showing a person in different age groups – the Face app is responsible for this. Numerous celebrities have joined this hype – and partly triggered it. Among others David Guetta, Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers. But how dangerous are our data really when we use the AI app?

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Is DuckDuckGo a real Google alternative?

Just over two years ago we reported on DuckDuckGo and the growing popularity of the Google alternative with a focus on privacy. In the meantime, the number of search queries via DuckDuckGo has increased significantly and one can ask oneself whether the private search engine could soon become dangerous for … continue reading

New Technology Accelerates Factorization Enormously – Threat to RSA Encryption?

The RSA encryption requires two different keys so that messages can be signed or encrypted. The two keys, private and public, consist of the RSA20148, a 2048bit long number and the RSA module.

To generate these keys you need two prime numbers and exactly these provide an attack vector, because a new technology allows a factorization to happen much faster.

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AWARE7 goes to NYC – for the sustainability goals of the United Nations!

The sustainability goals of the United Nations are discussed in New York and AWARE7 is represented. We actively participate in the achievement of these internationally proclaimed goals and briefly describe here what the sustainability goals are, how we participate and why it is so important!

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Firefox Monitor – new Mozilla service informs about data theft!

The Firefox Monitor informs you about current data thefts and can tell you whether your own data occurs in stolen data records. A practical service that many more people in Germany should know.

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Coinhive ceases operations – is it the end for Cryptojacking?

The digging of crypto currencies can lead to a constant income – in cryptojacking external computing power is used. The more computing power, the more money is earned. However, this type of attack loses interest. That the procedure is established as an alternative to normal advertising is also less likely.

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