Awareness Services

Firefox Send – Transfer Big Data!

Firefox Send – Transfer Big Data!

They exist – the situations in which large files have to be transferred. In the office you can still help yourself with USB sticks. From a distance you can now use another service: Firefox Send!

The Open Source Browser service can be used by any browser. The service should encrypt the uploaded data end-to-end and offers manageable, but useful, additional functions.

Now Firefox mixes with big data to transfer!

Basically, the technology is nothing new: uploading data so that it can be downloaded again by others. For some services, such as, the transfer of large data is a business model. Firefox Send a project which was developed under the test pilot flag of Mozilla, encrypts the data however. End-to-end even. A feature most services do without. Not at all unimportant. Mozilla even recommends to use the service for financial documents.

Whether the data is really encrypted end-to-end at the end of the day has yet to be determined. Until then we recommend not to transfer any sensitive data.

Transfer large amounts of data – with volume or time limit!

A file should only be downloaded once, 10x or 100x? Firefox Send is quite good for this. Especially with giveaways, eBooks or slides for a presentation, downloads can be regulated so well.

Transfer large data - and limit the number of possible downloads. Downloads can be limited with Firefox Send. This can be useful in some situations!

But also the time limitation is possible. A day or a week? It can also be shorter: 5 minutes. You have to be fast!

If you want to further secure the uploaded documents – and don’t want to make them dependent on who has the download address – you can set a password for the download. Then password and address should be communicated in different ways.

The service enjoys a small advance of trust due to its origin. But it still has to prove itself in terms of reliability and encryption. The operation is, as usual for these services, very simple. Who is curious and wants to see how the service works in detail, can watch the following video. If there are news, you can read them here!

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Chris Wojzechowski

Mein Name ist Chris Wojzechowski und ich habe vor wenigen Jahren meinen Master in Internet-Sicherheit in Gelsenkirchen studiert. Ich bin geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der AWARE7 GmbH und ausgebildeter IT-Risk Manager, IT-Grundschutz Praktiker (TÜV) und besitze die Prüfverfahrenskompetenz für § 8a BSIG. Unser Brot und Buttergeschäft ist die Durchführung von Penetrationstests. Wir setzen uns darüber hinaus für ein breites Verständnis für IT-Sicherheit in Europa ein und bieten aus diesem Grund den Großteil unserer Produkte kostenfrei an.